Our Mission Statement

We provide a safe, stimulating, caring and happy environment for each child. We understand that every child needs to be valued and included, which is why we put the child at the heart of all decisions made.

As a team we have a shared vision to empower children as leaders of their own learning. We use a holistic approach to ensure their physical, emotional intelligence and wellbeing is nurtured to equip children with the skills they need for learning and future success. We foster respect for all by promoting and ingraining British values into our everyday practice, this includes celebrating festivals, daily achievements and the child’s choice of Golden Rules.

To ensure this is being delivered we implement initiatives such as Healthy Early Years London (HEYL), our staff attend professional development opportunities and follow quality practice as stated in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We have recently reviewed and evaluated our planning inline with the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) introducing long term yearly plans, mid-term planning along with our short-term weekly planning based on the Intent, Implementation and Impact of learning. All our learning is meaningful using learning potential at every opportunity by exploring the world, developing language and providing quality resources. We understand each child learns at their own pace, tailoring each next step to individual needs. We have an onsite SENCO and work in partnership with outside agencies.

It is paramount for our team to work within partnership with parents, we welcome parents’ views and contributions when helping to evaluate and update our policies and offer frequent meetings. This includes Parents Evenings and end of term reports. Helping to contribute towards new ideas and evaluation of the running of the Nursery. To support home learning, we share ‘home learning ideas’ in our monthly newsletter linked to our monthly theme as well as using a reading folder to share new story books, introducing new language development. We encourage home achievements and celebrate them within the setting.